Tales From the Snug
The Making of Sophia (Wisdom)
white sheet from the thrift store, ripped to size and soaked in iron water and then laid on top of the scarf) and then rolling the whole thing up and tying with string and lowering it into the old turkey roaster and boiling it in iron water.
Why Would A Life Coach Open An Online Yarn-Dyeing Business?
I get asked this question quite a bit because life coaching and hand dyeing seem so different. Perhaps the best way to describe this evolution, would be to go back to my grandmothers.
Getting Started
It’s not easy to setup an online shop in a hurry — it’s an ongoing process that can require skills that I haven’t yet learned. So I must depend on others for their expertise and help.
Introducing the Snug Studio
Yarn and knitting has been a constant companion of mine and there is nothing more special then a handmade gift for the ones you love.