Build a Strong Foundation

Continuing with our theme of “start as you mean to go for 2021,” we will move from planning into creating the habits that will support and underpin the steps that will carry us to the end goal.

 Have you had a chance to read the book called, Atomic Habits by James Clear? This book clarifies the importance of establishing habits to support our projects and plans.

 If I’m wanting to save, then what habits am I currently doing that need to be modified or changed?

-       Stop spending?

-       Yes…but how?

-       Set up automatic banking rules so the money is deposited to savings before it can be spent

-       Create a habit that can be repeated and set up automatically so it happens periodically without having to decide to spend it before it is saved.

 This is only one example, but there are loads more and you can make them up and then create routines so it gets firmly imprinted.

 Learning to be consistent with each new habit is crucial to success.

 So what habits do you need to work on that would support your 2021 goals?

 Don’t try too many at once.

 Remember the old adage, “it takes 21 days to make a new habit stick.”

 Let’s get started.



Execute - Make it Happen


Planning and Organizing for Success